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Clubs & Organizations

American Sign Language Club- Allie McCommon / Stephanie Schultz
American Sign Language Club –ASL Club is designed to introduce American Sign Language to anyone that wishes to learn! We are also including Deaf Culture lessons, to help our understanding and bring awareness to those around us who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Art - Ashley Thon
Art club is designed to give a creative outlet for students that may not currently be in an art class. This club is led by students, who come in and decide what types of projects and activists they want to work on or what skills they would like to learn. Students don’t need to have any previous art experience and can come to work on their own personal projects or get some creative inspiration. The art club offers community service opportunities for working on projects for the people in and around the Mount Juliet area. National Art Honors Society will also be offered for students that are interested. This will allow for more scholarship options and give more resources and allow them to have their works featured in galleries or publications.  

BearFiction -Jason Lawrence
The BearFiction Podcast  is MJHS' source for student-written fiction. Released periodically, narrator and host Jason Lawrence reads student-submitted fiction on-air. We aim to help students gain recognition and experience in writing, editing, and publishing their work in an online space. Accepting submissions at

BearTalk - Luke Judkins    
BearTalk is the student news podcast produced by the Golden Bear Gazette.

Bible Club -  Jennifer Wilson
Bible Club biweekly on Tuesday from 3:30-4:00 in B102
Spring Semester Dates: 
January 14
January 28
February 11
February 25
March 18
April 1
April 15
April 29
Everyone is welcome. No background knowledge needed. Please bring a Bible if you have one or your phone for a digital copy. We will be studying the Bible together and we will dive into the word of God. A notebook/pen/pencil for notes is optional. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Black Student Union - Beth Ivey
A student-led club of inclusivity that is centered around organizing, celebrating, and providing representation for Black students at MJHS

BNN Club (SkillsUSA/Competition) - James Peach
Audiovisual Production Students who wish to compete in SkillsUSA or other A/V competition can meet in A148 after school on Mondays, Thursdays, or as needed to practice, learn, and collaborate. 

British Culture Club - Mary Kay Kelton

Creative Writing Club - Bronwyn Opelt

Criminal Justice Club - Rachel Sphar

Debate Club - Caitlyn Carriere

Digital Arts Club - L. Alysha Nicholas
This club is only opened to students who are currently enrolled or has taken a digital arts course. The club meets weekly for one hour and allows students time to be creative and work on projects. 

Drama Club - Mitchell Vantrease
Golden Bear Drama Club is the after-school portion of the theater department. Some meetings are held after school and include some workshops. However, a huge portion of the club involvement revolves around the school productions, where students can audition or volunteer backstage for productions.

Esports - Jason Lawrence/Thomas Bell/Mark Mayo
Mt. Juliet Esports is a competitive organization dedicated to helping growing Epsorts competitors become the best players they can be. We currently compete in Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in both the Spring and Fall seasons. Tryouts are in early Fall and Spring for all who are interested. 

FBLA - Kelly Ferrell/Ginnie Maxwell/Christie Sprinkles
Future Business Leaders of America is a premier student business organization of young people preparing for success as leaders in business, government, and communities.  Our mission is to bring business and education together through innovative leadership and career development programs.

FCA - Coach Underwood
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a student led club open to all.  

FFA - Mitzi Pigg/Amanda Stanley/Jacob Tipton/Kelcey Trewin
FFA is a national youth organization for students interested in agriculture and/or leadership.  The mission statement of the FFA states that, FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

In order to be in FFA, a student must be enrolled in one agriculture class per year. Students are automatically apart of FFA by enrolling in an agricultural class.

FFA officers and members meet every Tuesday morning at 8:15. We have monthly meetings and participate in community service projects throughout the year.

Mt Juliet FFA is very active in contests or Career Development Events (CDE), state, national FFA conventions, regional and state leadership workshops and camp.  CDE's vary from individual public speaking, parliamentary procedure, team presentations, livestock and horse judging, agriculture issues, marketing and sales contest and so much more.  FFA CDE's focus on preparing students for the future by teaching valuable career skills. 

French Club - John Turvaville

French National Honor Society - John Turvaville

Girls for Girls - Dominique Crawford

Girls in Stem - Meredith Davis
 Girls in STEM is a club that gives females the opportunities to be able to excel in the STEM field as well as the medical field.

The Golden Bear Gazette’s BearTalk News Podcast - Luke Judkins  
BearTalk is the student news podcast produced by the Golden Bear Gazette.

The Golden Bear Gazette Newspaper  - Luke Judkins    

Golden Leaf Yearbook -  Luke Judkins    
Since day one, The Golden Leaf Yearbook staff has been working tirelessly in order to collect and document this school year's memories, student accomplishments and, most prominently, Bear Pride. Our photography collections and yearbook coverages are carefully selected. Our team is dedicated to providing Mt. Juliet High School's student body with the highest quality yearbook. Our Bear Pride is equaled by none. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, comments or suggestions. 

GSA - Brooke Holloway
GSA is an open community run by students to support, represent, and educate about the LGBTQIA+ community within Mount Juliet High School through service projects and collaboration with other clubs.

HOSA - Amber Watson
HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is a national organization for students interested in Health Care.  They learn about many different opportunities in Health Care. Students participate in community service regional, state and National Competition. Last year we collected money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, collected gifts for a nursing home at Christmas, among other activities. We attended the TN Strong  Youth Summit to Stop Tobacco Conference, Regional and State HOSA Competition. 

Interact - Rebeka Stroop/Jessica Kent
Interact Club is a service organization run through the Rotary Club of Mt. Juliet. We participate in service projects within our school and out in the community. Some examples include making birthday cards for children in the hospital, providing snacks during testing, helping decorate parade floats, helping during Taste of Mt. Juliet, and so much more! We meet twice a month to discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Key Club - Jessica Lorance/Meredith Davis
Key Club International is a student-led organization for high school students that focuses on service, leadership, and character development. Key Club is under the umbrella of the Kiwanis of Mt. Juliet. Our members serve our school and community to develop leadership skills and initiative. Our objective is to work together to support our community!

Latin Club - Luke Judkins

L.O.V.E. Choir - Thornton Mclaughlin

Literary Alliance - Brooke Holloway /Selina Grouzis
Literary Alliance is a student-led club that allows students to share in their love for literature and reading. The club sometimes functions as a book club, with members reading a common text. Often, it serves as an open forum for students to discuss the books, characters, and words they love.  

Marine Corps JROTCMajor Intilli & Sergeant Major Clark (Website)
The Marine Corps “Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps” mission is to develop confident, patriotic, citizen-leaders, with sound communication and decision-making skills.  Some examples of MCJROTC Curriculum are: LEADERSHIP- An ongoing study of the principles and practical application of leadership with emphasis on providing opportunities for students to exercise and develop their own leadership abilities.  CITIZENSHIP- Provides all aspects of citizenship to include patriotism, citizenship requirements, and civic responsibilities.  PERSONAL GROWTH AND RESPONSIBILITY- Provides information and requires cadet involvement in physical fitness, health, hygiene, nutrition, social skills, written and oral communication and personal finance.  PUBLIC SERVICE AND CAREER EXPLORATION- Provides information on career preparation and opportunities for public service.

Students Receive (7) Required Graduation Credits:
1st Year Cadets Receive: 1st of 3 required elective credits and 1 credit in Lifetime Wellness
2nd Year Cadets Receive: 2nd of 3 required elective credits and 1/2 credit in physical education
3rd Year Cadets Receive: 3rd of 3 required elective credits, 1/2 credit in Personal Finance, and 1/2 credit in Government
4th Year Cadets Receive: (OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Mens Volleyball Club- James TewmeyDiana Roark

M.O.V.E. Choir - Thornton Mclaughlin

Mu Alpha Theta - Jennifer Wallace /Joy Erickson/Jenna Ward 
Mu Alpha Theta is a math honor society for high school and junior college students, dedicated to promoting scholarship in mathematics and establishing math as an integral part of high school and junior college education.  To join the national organization, students must have completed two years of high school mathematics (typically Algebra 1 and Geometry) and maintain at least a 3.0 average in all high school math classes.  Membership dues are $10.00 for new members and $5.00 for returning members.  The Mt. Juliet High School chapter meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 8:15 am in C145.  Meetings are open to both members and other interested students. 

National Art Honors Society - Ashley Thon

National Honor Society - Samantha Richey/Lisa Whitmire
National Honor Society is a community service organization for juniors and seniors who have earned membership to this prestigious organization. Membership is based on a minimum GPA of 3.875, extracurricular involvement, and leadership skills.  Members must attend the monthly meeting and complete 20 hours of community service each year. Membership applications are distributed and available each fall.

National Technical Honors Society - Ginnie Maxwell / Amber Watson
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is the honor society for Career & Technical Education (CTE). As a national non-profit student organization, NTHS has been recognizing outstanding student achievement in CTE since 1984.  Having served over one million members in secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country and beyond, NTHS continues to support the next generation of skilled workers and leaders through chapter activities built around our Core Four Objectives of career development, leadership development, service, and recognition.
Orchestra - Sherie Grossman

Orthodox Christian School Ministries - Yvonne Neiman

Ping-Pong Club - James TewmeyDiana Tewmey

Prom Committee - Mary Kay Kelton /Diana Tewmey  

Quiz Bowl - John McGee

Science National Honor Society - Diana Tewmey
The SNHS is an academic honor society whose purpose is to "encourage participation in and recognition of scientific and intellectual thought, to advance students' knowledge of classical and modern science, to communicate with the scientific community, to aid the civic community with its comprehension of science, and to encourage students to participate in community service and, in turn, encourage a dedication to the pursuit of scientific knowledge that benefits all mankind."

Membership is open to juniors who must be enrolled in at least one honors or AP science class during or prior to their junior year and seniors who must be enrolled in an Honors II or AP science class during or prior to their senior year.  A member must maintain a B+ average (3.5 on 4.0 scale) across all science courses and a 3.0 out of 4.0 overall.  Members are required to participate in at least one SNHS project and attend at least one officer lecture during the year. Dues are $5.00 for returning members and $10.00 for new members. Meetings are held every Thursday morning at 7:45am in room C122.

Science Research Club - Korrinna Kleinsmith  

South Korean and Japanese Culture Club - Bethany Ariks 

Spanish - Sarah Greer

Student Council - Kaytlin Yachim/Jennifer Davis/Cathy Liddle
A group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / community relations. Any student is welcome to attend the council meetings.

Tabletop Gamers  -  Jason Lawrence/Selina Grouzis

Yarn Craft Club - Stepanie Schultz/Samantha Harell

 Young Democrats - Caitlyn Carriere/Samantha Harrell  
Young Democrats provides space for left-leaning Golden Bears to discuss recent events and organize action to help advance legislation and candidates at the local, state, and national levels. 

Young Republicans - Jenna Budney
This student club strives to encourage civic engagement among students and provide a place for dialogue for students to discuss conservative politics. The club regularly holds forums with elected officials and candidates, regular meetings with members, and combined activities with the other political clubs assisting in voter registration drives, school elections, and debates.

Youth in Government - Josh Seal / Bill Schwarz
The mission of YIG is to promote civic engagement among students with a primary emphasis on learning how Tennessee state government operates. Students learn how our state government works and then attend a competitive conference run by the YMCA Center for Civic Engagement in the spring in a mock-legislative session at the State Capitol building and offices. Our YIG club also participates in a Model UN conference in the fall.

YPC Youth Prevention Coalition - Martha Underwood/Kristen Wall