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TN Promise/Hope/TN Scholars


 Tennessee Promise: 

  • Offers 2 years of tuition free community or technical college to high school graduates (began with the Class of 2015)
  • No GPA, ACT or income requirements
  • Complete 8 hours of community service
  • Students must apply online at 
  • Attend mandatory meetings at local high school
  • Complete FAFSA by deadline listed on their website
  • Apply for community college or Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) by spring.
  • Once in the program, students must maintain a 2.0, complete 8 hours of community service before the start of each term enrolled and file the FAFSA 

 Tennessee Hope Scholarship (Lottery):

  • Award Amount: Up to $6000/yr for 4 year institutions; Up to $3000/yr for 2 year inst.
  • Students must have a minimum of a 21 ACT OR overall GPA of 3.0
  • No income requirements
  • Students must enroll within 16 months of high school graduation at an eligible institution.
  • Complete FAFSA in order to apply for HOPE

Tennessee Scholars:

  • Recognition Program that involves community business leaders to help motivate all students to complete a rigorous course of study that will prepare them for college and their careers.
  • Medallion worn at graduation
  • Wilson County Tennessee Scholar Graduation held at Cumberland University
  • Gold seal on diploma
  • Permanent stamp on diploma
  • Preferential hiring for TN Scholars
  • Local, state & national recognition
  • TN Scholars requirements are on the web at
  • Note: 80 hours community service, NO out-of-school suspensions and 95% attendance is required
  • TN Scholars Checklist


TN Promise, HOPE Scholarship & TN Scholars

If my student goes out of state to college for a year and decides to return to a Tennessee college/university, is he/she still eligible for HOPE?

Yes, if the student was HOPE eligible at the time of graduation from high school and return within the 16 month time period, then they will still be HOPE eligible.

If my student has had OSS (out of school suspension), are they still eligible for the HOPE Scholarship?

Yes, HOPE is not affected by ISS or OSS.  The student would not be eligible to be a TN Scholar if they receive OSS.

Community Service??? Is it required to graduate MJHS?

Community service is not a high school graduation requirement.  TN Scholars does require 80 hours during your 4 years of high school.  TN Promise requires students to complete 8 hours prior to every semester they receive Promise.  The HOPE scholarship does not require community service.

Do I have to complete the FAFSA?

Yes, the FAFSA is the application for the HOPE Scholarship and TN Promise. 

Is there any scholarship money for TN Scholars? Why should a student strive for this award?

Yes, some colleges give scholarships for TN Scholars; see TN Scholar website for list/award amount.  Being a TN Scholar is an honor that shows the student’s commitment to academics, community service and exceptional attendance. 

To use TN Promise, do students have to start the fall semester after high school graduation, or can they take off a semester then begin at a community college or TCAT?

Yes, to receive TN Promise, students must start in the fall semester after high school graduation.